
Showing posts from December, 2012

Center Stage Painting Update

For the past month I have been dedicated to finishing up the semester and working on my watercolor paintings, but now that I am finally done with class I have more time to focus on my oil paintings. During the semester I have also been working on getting over my fear of formal public speaking and so I developed a painting named "Center Stage". I truly went out of my way to diminish this fear. I went out to a karaoke bar and sang "You Give Love a Bad Name" by Bon Jovi, participated in a runway fashion show, and chose to present my final project. A quote that has motivated me to push through these fear is “do one thing everyday that scares you”  by Eleanor Roosevelt. http://quotes– This quote is special to me because I try to live by it almost every day. For most of my life I have been afraid of a lot of things, so by exposing myself to all the fears and getting out of my comfort