My Visit to National Gallery of Art and the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C.

National Gallery of Art While visiting Mat's family in Washington, D.C., we ventured out to the National Gallery of Art and the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. I was thrilled by the collection of Van Gogh paintings in the gallery. I am next to Vincent Van Gogh's painting. The Olive Orchard 1989 oil on canvas Women tend the trees in the olive grove. Close up of Van Gogh's brush strokes. Van Gogh La Mousmé 1888 oil on canvas Van Gogh told his brother that a "Mousme is a Japanese girl." He made several drawings before painting La Mousmé . Van Gogh Girl in White 1890 oil on canvas Close up of Girl in Whites hands. Van Gogh Roulin's Baby 1888 oil on canvas Van Gogh painted the Roulin family several times, especially baby Marcelle Roulin. He painted her five times. Baby Marcelle grabbing his hand. I wonder why the baby is wearing a ring. Van Gogh's collection includes seven of his paintings, but only these were...